A Cleaner, Better Future

             Neckties are quite a hassle to clean. You have to wash them a certain way, dry them a certain way, and even take care of them a certain way. For me, if you spill something on a necktie, it’s game over because the stain is never really going to come out. The necktie dangles all the way down to your beltline, and with all that surface area, it’s almost impossible to keep them entirely food- and liquid-free. If I look closely, I can find some kind of stain from a food or liquid on every single necktie that I own. I did the same thing with my bow ties, and so far, after all their use, there isn’t a single blemish on any of them. This definitely convinced me that bow ties are just more convenient than neckties (not to mention they look better, too). 

            With a necktie, you always have to worry about accidentally dipping the tip in the punch bowl or accidentally dragging it across Aunt Anabelle’s prized homemade salad dressing. You always have to be careful opening or closing doors on a breezy day because you never know when your tie will get caught. You can’t get too close to babies because they’ll either excrete on it or latch on, and you’ll be stuck face to face with the child until he/she decides to let go. And the list goes on.

            No matter how messy I am while wearing a bow tie, however, I never really seem to get it dirty. The only way I can even imagine it being soiled is if I happen to miss my face while drinking or if a person trips and leaves me to catch their food with my shirt and tie. I haven’t had to worry about making a mess with my bow tie because it will always be nice and tidy, and up and out of the way of food, punch bowls, and Aunt Anabelle’s dressing. It’s tucked away nicely, out of the way of the occasional bread crumb or liquid drop from a glass. 

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